The McMillan Award is presented to an outstanding researcher in condensed matter physics. Aaron is recognized for the discovery of orbital ferromagnetism in a bilayer carbon-based van der Waals material.
The Grainger College of Engineering
Professor David Goldhaber-Gordon found a way to investigate quantum critical phenomena much more efficiently
The essential idea of a quantum simulator, Goldhaber-Gordon said, is sort of similar to a mechanical model of the solar system, where someone turns a crank, and interlocking gears rotate to represent the motion of the moon and planets.

![[Caucasian man with beard smiling and glasses olive complected man smiling and African American woman smiling]](/sites/g/files/sbiybj18766/files/styles/card_1900x950/public/media/image/Applied%20Physics.png?h=5ee024a0&itok=eeNeFFwr)
The Applied Physics DEI Committee aims to address issues of equity in all aspects of our department.
The committee is currently comprised of faculty, staff, postdocs, and graduate students. Some of our members work with the Physics Department’s Equity and Inclusion Committee to help address joint concerns. We always welcome new ideas!
Founded September 1, 1999, the Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials (GLAM) is an Independent Laboratory that reports to the Dean of Research. The Laboratory supports the research activities of more than 30 faculty members from the departments of Applied Physics, Chemistry, Electrical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, and Physics.